"Revolution and the antiquarian book : reshaping the past, 1780-1815"@eng . . . "Cambridge (GBR)" . . . . . . "/268099" . "Cambridge University Press" . "318" . "http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/iso639-2/eng" . "info:eu-repo/semantics/book" . . . . "318" . . . . . . . . "2011" . "Revolution and the antiquarian book : reshaping the past, 1780-1815"@eng . . . . "Revolution and the antiquarian book : reshaping the past, 1780-1815"@fr . . "New York (USA)" . "318"^^ . . . . "Imprimeurs, libraires, \u00E9diteurs,Bibliophilie,Collectionneurs et collections,Biblioth\u00E8ques,Histoire du livre (imprimerie, librairie, \u00E9dition),R\u00E9volution fran\u00E7aise (1789-1799),Consulat et Premier Empire (1799-1815),XVIIIe si\u00E8cle (1715-1789),Debure, Guillaume,Debure, Guillaume-Fran\u00E7ois,Maug\u00E9rard, Jean-Baptiste,Renouard, Antoine-Augustin,Spencer, George John,Angleterre" . "http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/iso639-2/eng" . "2011" . . "318"^^ . "978-1-107-00051-3" . "X-318" . "Cambridge University Press" . . "Cambridge (GBR) : Cambridge University Press" . "978-1-107-00051-3" . . . . "X-318" . . "New York (USA) : Cambridge University Press" .