"Michigan State University Press" . . "/article/ext-000029210" . . "On the fringes of the civilizing mission : suspicious Frenchmen and unofficial discourses of French colonialism in AOF (1918-1939)"@fr . "103"^^ . . "2008" . . "103-130" . . "103"^^ . "130" . "Michigan State University Press" . "info:eu-repo/semantics/article" . . "French colonial history" . . . "130" . "2008" . . . "On the fringes of the civilizing mission : suspicious Frenchmen and unofficial discourses of French colonialism in AOF (1918-1939)" . . . . "Troisi\u00E8me R\u00E9publique (1870-1940),L\u2019A.O.F.,Afrique-Occidentale fran\u00E7aise (1895-1958)" . . . . "103-130" . "On the fringes of the civilizing mission : suspicious Frenchmen and unofficial discourses of French colonialism in AOF (1918-1939)" . .