"2006" . "20-41" . . . . . "Public entertainment and theatre during the Old Regime and the French Revolution : a quantitative analysis of play titles"@fr . . "/article/ext-000039573" . "20"^^ . . "20-41" . . . . "41" . . "41" . . . . "Public entertainment and theatre during the Old Regime and the French Revolution : a quantitative analysis of play titles" . . . . "20"^^ . "info:eu-repo/semantics/article" . . . . . "Public entertainment and theatre during the Old Regime and the French Revolution : a quantitative analysis of play titles" . . "R\u00E9volution fran\u00E7aise (1789-1799),XVIIIe si\u00E8cle (1715-1789),G\u00E9n\u00E9ralit\u00E9s,G\u00E9n\u00E9ralit\u00E9s" . "2006" . "Nottingham French studies" . .