"2004" . "183-202" . . "The Journal of African history" . . . "202" . . "info:eu-repo/semantics/article" . "Keeping the city totally clean : yellow fever and the politics of prevention in colonial Saint-Louis-du-S\u00E9n\u00E9gal, 1850-1914" . "Keeping the city totally clean : yellow fever and the politics of prevention in colonial Saint-Louis-du-S\u00E9n\u00E9gal, 1850-1914" . "2004" . . . . . . . "183"^^ . . . . "183"^^ . "202" . "Second Empire (1851-1870),Troisi\u00E8me R\u00E9publique (1870-1940),L\u2019A.O.F.,Saint-Louis" . "Keeping the city totally clean : yellow fever and the politics of prevention in colonial Saint-Louis-du-S\u00E9n\u00E9gal, 1850-1914"@fr . "/article/ext-000046874" . . . . . "183-202" . .