25615 results
- Watteau in London and Paris
- Watteau's Shopsign : the long creation of a masterpiece
- Weil-Curiel et Jacques Toupense
- Weimar and the wars of liberation : German and French officers and the politics of history
- Wendel à Charleville : le crépuscule d'un empire
- Werbrouck et la justice impériale
- Wetten auf Gott ? Die Wette des Blaise Pascal in religionsphilosophischer und theologischer Perspektive
- What games can say : two medieval games from French Louisiana
- What is new and what is old in Viète's Analysis restituta and Algebra nova and where do they come from ? Some reflections on the relations between algebra and analysis before Viète
- What is old is new again
- What is organizational imprinting ? Cultural entrepreneurship in the founding of the Paris Opera
- What is the Gesta Francorum and who was Peter Tudebode ?
- What's in a name ? Clerical representations of Parisian beguines (1200-1328)
- What's in a name ? Possible names for a legislative body and the birth of national sovereignty during the French Revolution, 15-16 juin 1789
- What the roturier was in France, the catholic is in Ireland : interprétations post-révolutionnaires de la question catholique dans la Edinburgh Review
- When a Bible is not a Bible : the meaning and movement of the Bible of Anti-Pope Clement VII (British Library, ms. Add. 47672)
- When the girls come out to play : Édouard Vuillard and Charles Hodge Mackie, a reattribution
- Where are Bonaparte's siege cannon ? An episode in the Egyptian campaign
- White freedom and the Lady of liberty
- White spot in White River's history. Adventures of Captain de La Blanque in French, Swedish and Polish courts