. . "2001" . "Hollywood's film wars with France : film-trade diplomacy and the emergence of the French film quota system" . "Rochester University Press" . "202" . "Rochester University Press" . . "202"^^ . . "Woodbridge" . . "info:eu-repo/semantics/book" . . "XIX-202" . . . "2001" . "/monography/ext-000015631" . . "Rochester (USA)" . "Rochester (USA) : Rochester University Press" . "Rochester Univ. Press" . . . "Rochester Univ. Press" . . "Hollywood's film wars with France : film-trade diplomacy and the emergence of the French film quota system"@fr . . "Troisi\u00E8me R\u00E9publique (1870-1940),Seconde Guerre mondiale (1939-1945),Quatri\u00E8me R\u00E9publique (1946-1958),\u00C9tudes g\u00E9n\u00E9rales,Hollywood (Los Angeles)" . "202" . "Woodbridge : Rochester Univ. Press" . "XIX-202" . "Hollywood's film wars with France : film-trade diplomacy and the emergence of the French film quota system" . . "202"^^ . .