"Behind the diplomatic curtain : Adolphe de Bourqueney and French foreign policy, 1816-1869" . . "Ohio" . . "Monarchie de Juillet (1830-1848),Seconde R\u00E9publique (1848-1851),Second Empire (1851-1870),\u00C9tudes g\u00E9n\u00E9rales,G\u00E9n\u00E9ralit\u00E9s,Bourqueney, Adolphe de" . . "Behind the diplomatic curtain : Adolphe de Bourqueney and French foreign policy, 1816-1869" . . . "Ohio : Univ. of Akron Press" . . "Univ. of Akron Press" . "/monography/ext-000016319" . . "Behind the diplomatic curtain : Adolphe de Bourqueney and French foreign policy, 1816-1869"@fr . . . "Univ. of Akron Press" . "XIV-343" . . "343" . "343"^^ . . . "info:eu-repo/semantics/book" . "2001" . "343" . "XIV-343" . "343"^^ . . . . . "2001" . .