"XIX-351" . . . "Private and public enterprise in Europe : energy, telecommunications and transport, 1830-1990" . "2005" . "351"^^ . . "/monography/ext-000016767" . "Cambridge University Press" . "info:eu-repo/semantics/book" . "Cambridge University Press" . "Private and public enterprise in Europe : energy, telecommunications and transport, 1830-1990"@fr . "Monarchie de Juillet (1830-1848),Second Empire (1851-1870),Troisi\u00E8me R\u00E9publique (1870-1940),Quatri\u00E8me R\u00E9publique (1946-1958),\u00C9tudes g\u00E9n\u00E9rales,Les chemins de fer et les tramways,La poste et les t\u00E9l\u00E9communications,Europe" . . . . . "Cambridge (GBR)" . "XIX-351" . "2005" . "Cambridge (GBR) : Cambridge University Press" . . "351" . "Private and public enterprise in Europe : energy, telecommunications and transport, 1830-1990" . . . . . . . . . . "351"^^ . "351" . . .