"Commercialized modernities : a history of city marketing and urban tourism promotion in Paris and Budapest from the nineteenth century to the interwar period" . "/thesis/ext-000016156" . . "Commercialized modernities : a history of city marketing and urban tourism promotion in Paris and Budapest from the nineteenth century to the interwar period"@fr . "Commercialized modernities : a history of city marketing and urban tourism promotion in Paris and Budapest from the nineteenth century to the interwar period" . . . . . . . . "Consulat et Premier Empire (1799-1815),Monarchie de Juillet (1830-1848),Second Empire (1851-1870),Troisi\u00E8me R\u00E9publique (1870-1940),Le tourisme,Budapest,Paris (75)" . . . . . . . . "Thesis" . . . . .