auteur du texte | Bennett, John H. B. |
title | Aragon's Le crime contre l'esprit : a resistance text of communist origin used by de Gaulle and La France combattante in Algiers, 1943-1944 |
typed_links | <not specified> |
for_magazine | The Modern language review |
fascicle | 2003, vol. 98, no 3 |
next_article | <not specified> |
next_article_object | <not specified> |
pages | p. 574-589 |
language(s) | <not specified> |
translated_from | <not specified> |
article_country_code | <not specified> |
classification |
old_subject_matter | Communiste, parti |
subject_matter | <not specified> |
period |
character |
location |
note | |