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Europe's Jews in the long eighteenth century [à propos entre autres des livres de Ronald Brian Schechter Representations of Jews in France, 1715-1815 et Frederic Cople Jaher The Jews and the nation : Revolution, Emancipation, State Formation, and the liberal paradigme in America and France]

auteur du texteWebster, Jeremy W.
titleEurope's Jews in the long eighteenth century [à propos entre autres des livres de Ronald Brian Schechter Representations of Jews in France, 1715-1815 et Frederic Cople Jaher The Jews and the nation : Revolution, Emancipation, State Formation, and the liberal paradigme in America and France]
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for_magazineEighteenth-century life
fascicle2006, vol. 30, no 1
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pagesp. 76-91
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