Numen. International Review for the History of Religions
title | Numen. International Review for the History of Religions |
previous_magazine | <not specified> |
publisher | Leyde (NDL) : Brill |
foundation_year | 1954 |
language(s) | anglais |
magazine_country_code | Pays-Bas |
ISSN | 0029-5973 |
e_issn | 1568-5276 |
external_url | <not specified> |
magazine_cote | D1 : 8-G-15583 |
CollectionIssue (1)
fascicles | notices |
2017, vol. 64, n° 1 | 1 |
Linked notices (1)
notices | fascicle | pagination | type |
Alfred Loisy's comparative method in Les mystères païens et le mystère chrétien | 2017, vol. 64, n° 1 | p. 64-96 | Article |