revueAnnuaire d'études françaises. Французский ежегодник

Notices liées (23)

23 résultats

Peoples against the French Revolutionp. 5-31Contribution
Les révoltes à l'époque de la Révolution française et du Premier Empire5-416 p.Publication collective
Vendée : from genocide to memoricidep. 36-54Contribution
Louis XVIII and the royalist insurgent movement in Western Francep. 55-65Contribution
Origins and mechanism of Lyon uprising in 1793p. 66-96Contribution
The September Massacres of 1792 in political career of J.-L. Tallienp. 97-108Contribution
Political projects of the French emigrants in 1792-1795p. 109-124Contribution
Anti-French protest movement in Egypt in 1798-1801p. 125-144Contribution
«Secret Weapon» of revolt : Napoleon’s preparing of campaign of 1812p. 145-164Contribution
Was Directory a Republic of the Center ? A delusive state of imperceptible bourgeoisp. 165-184Contribution
Outlook on the French revolution from nowadays : interview with Pierre Sernap. 185-196Contribution
Synthesis of history and philosophy in French Revolution studies : interview with Patrice Gueniffeyp. 197-207Contribution
Theatre and Revolution : an open scene for historiographyp. 208-230Contribution
Still in the shadow of Burke and Dickens? The recent British historiography of the French Revolutionp. 231-243Contribution
Europe under the Napoleon's reign : view of Stendhalp. 295-311Contribution
Napoleon and his era in the mirror of «alternative history»p. 312-324Contribution
Napoleon Bonaparte of A.Z. Manfred esteemed by readersp. 325-336Contribution
Napoleonic wars of 1812-1815 : the French commemorations in our daysp. 337-354Contribution
«To prohibit the Banquet is to start up the mechanism of the revolution». Review of the monograph by Vincent Robert «The Time of Banquets. Politics and symbolism of one generation (1818-1848)»p. 355-374Article
Piketty case : how French economic historian became the academic star ?p. 375-385Contribution

23 résultats