directeur de publication | Pettegree, Andrew (1957-....) |
title | Broadsheets : single-sheet publishing in the first age of print |
for_magazine | <not specified> |
fascicle | <not specified> |
ISBN | 978-90-04-34030-5 |
E-ISBN | 978-90-04-34031-2 |
typed_links | <not specified> |
publisher | Leiden (NLD), Boston (USA) : Brill |
notice_entry_object | <not specified> |
publication_year | 2017 |
nb_volume | |
pages | XXI-527-[7] p. |
language(s) | anglais |
translated_from | <not specified> |
classification | <not specified> |
old_subject_matter | <not specified> |
subject_matter |
period |
character | <not specified> |
location |
note | |