Historical reflections - Reflexions historiques

titleHistorical reflections - Reflexions historiques
previous_magazine<not specified>
publisherWaterloo, Ont. (USA)
magazine_country_code<not specified>
magazine_coteBnF Tolbiac rdj : 8-G-20512

CollectionIssue_plural (12)

Linked notices (69)

has text

69 results

The Dreyfus Affair in the twenty-first century : a reconsideration. Introduction2005, vol. 31, no 3p. 319-322Article
A Himalaya of texts : Dreyfus in review2005, vol. 31, no 3p. 323-334Article
New perspectives on the Dreyfus Affair2005, vol. 31, no 3p. 335-349Article
It would never happen here ! : the Dreyfus Affair in the Central and Eastern European jewish press2005, vol. 31, no 3p. 393-407Article
Un accélérateur d'énergies dans l'espace dreyfusard : Sébastien Faure, du début de l'Affaire au procès Zola2005, vol. 31, no 3p. 409-432Article
The Dreyfus Affair : a woman's affair2005, vol. 31, no 3p. 433-443Article
Laicism, religion and the economy of belief in the French Republic2005, vol. 31, no 3p. 445-467Article
A colonial Affair ? : Dreyfus and the French Empire2005, vol. 31, no 3p. 469-483Article
Emerging voices, evolving paradigms : literary expressions of franco-jewish identity after the Dreyfus Affair2005, vol. 31, no 3p. 485-502Article
Ritual and emancipation : a reassessment of cultural modernization in France2006, vol. 32, no 1p. 9-38Article
A Jewish agent in Eighteenth-Century Paris : Israël Bernard de Valabrègue2006, vol. 32, no 1p. 39-63Article
Consistories and contradictions : from the old to the new regime2006, vol. 32, no 1p. 65-82Article
Turbulent souls in Modern France : jewish conversion and the Terquem affair2006, vol. 32, no 1p. 83-104Article
Jews, liberals and the civilizing mission in nineteenth-century France2006, vol. 32, no 1p. 105-128Article
Institutrices in the metropole and the Maghreb : a comparative perspective2006, vol. 32, no 1p. 129-142Article
Between universalism and particularism : discourses of Jewish identity in France, 1920-322006, vol. 32, no 1p. 143-163Article
Renoir's La grande illusion and the Jewish question2006, vol. 32, no 1p. 165-192Article
Isabeau de Bavière and the political philosophy of Christine de Pizan2006, vol. 32, no 2p. 247-272Article
The death of duty : the transformation of political identity from the Old Regime to the French Revolution2006, vol. 32, no 2p. 273-307Article
Women, salons and sociability as constitutional problems in the political writings of Madame de Staël2006, vol. 32, no 2p. 309-338Article

69 results