The International history review

titleThe International history review
previous_magazine<not specified>
publisherToronto : University of Toronto Press
periodicity5 numéros/an
magazine_coteBnF : 8° G 26166

CollectionIssue_plural (16)

Linked notices (12)

has text

12 results

Deceit and distraction : Britain, France and the Corsican Crisis of 17682006, vol. 28, no 2p. 287-315Article
Fashioning nationality and identity in the eighteenth century : the comte de Bonneval in the Ottoman empire2008, vol. 30, no 1p. 1-31Article
Dynasty, constitution and confession : the role of religion in the Thirty Years War2008, vol. 30, no 3p. 473-514Article
Reprisal violence and the Harkis in french Algeria, 19622017, vol. 39, n° 1p. 89-106Article
British hospitality for an unfortunate prince: the Duc de Bordeaux's visit to Britain as an early test of the entente cordiale, 1843–42017, vol. 39, n° 2p. 177-195Article
Napoleon, Jefferson, and the Louisiana Purchase2017, vol. 39, n° 2p. 237-255Article
Public opinion, the press and the failed Anglo-Franco-Soviet negotiations of 19392018, vol. 40, n° 1p. 65-85Article
The Role and relevance of intellectuals vis-à-vis the French and Italian communist parties in the early post-war period. A regional grassroots study2018, vol. 40, n° 4p. 834-869Article
Marring the Memory: The 1967 Vimy Ridge Commemorations and Canada-France Relations2019, vol. 41, n° 1p. 39-57Article
Open Door or Sphere of Influence? The Diplomacy of the Japanese–French Entente and Fukien Question, 1905–19072019, vol. 41, n° 1p. 105-129Article
Fiasco: The Anglo-Franco-Soviet Alliance That Never Was and the Unpublished British White Paper, 1939–19402019, vol. 41, n° 4p. 701-728Article
Colonial Dreams and Nightmares: British and French Perceptions of Republican Policies in Spanish Morocco (1931–1936)2019, vol. 41, n° 4p. 821-844Article

12 results