War in history

titleWar in history
previous_magazine<not specified>
publisherLondres : Sage publications
periodicity4 n°/an
magazine_coteBnF : 8° R 116783

CollectionIssue_plural (13)

Linked notices (13)

has text

13 results

Conscription in the French Restoration : the 1818 debate on military service2006, vol. 13, no 3p. 281-298Article
Errors and omissions in franco-british co-operation over munitions production, 1914-19182007, vol. 14, no 2p. 179-218Article
After Dunkirk : the French army's performance against Case Red, 25 may to 25 june 19402007, vol. 14, no 2p. 219-264Article
The destruction and liberation of Le Havre in modern memory2007, vol. 14, no 4p. 476-498Article
Preparing for total war : the Conseil supérieur de la Défense nationale and France's industrial and economic preparations for war after 19182008, vol. 15, no 1p. 43-71Article
The concept of total war in the revolutionary-napoleonic period2008, vol. 15, no 3p. 247-268Article
Outre-Mer and métropole : French officers' reflections on the use of the tank in the 1920s2008, vol. 15, no 3p. 294-313Article
War and the state in Early Modern Europe : widening the debate2008, vol. 15, no 4p. 371-388Article
German wartime anglophobic propaganda in France, 1914-19452017, vol. 24, n° 1p. 28-43Article
Marshal Ferdinand Foch versus Georges Clemenceau in 19192017, vol. 24, n° 4p. 458-497Article
"The spirit of 1914" ; a redefinition and a defence2018, vol. 25, n° 1p. 26-47Article
A witness in the landscape : the bombing of the Forêt domaniale des Andaines and the Normandy Campaign, NW France, 19442018, vol. 25, n° 1p. 69-102Article
A total war of the mind : the french theory of la guerre révolutionnaire, 1954–19582018, vol. 25, n° 3p. 410-434Article

13 results