Contemporary French civilization

titleContemporary French civilization
previous_magazine<not specified>
publisherLiverpool (GBR) : Liverpool university press
periodicity4 numéros/an
language(s)anglais ; français
magazine_coteBnF : 8° Z 45830

CollectionIssue_plural (9)

Linked notices (22)

has text

22 results

Memory, genre, truth : Lucie Aubrac, Jorge Semprun, François Maspéro and the devoir de mémoire2006, vol. 30, no 1p. 1-28Article
The ennemies of books ? Women and the bibliophilic imagination in fin-de-siècle France2006, vol. 30, no 1p. 47-75Article
From verbal to visual : Jacques Copeau's Molière2006, vol. 30, no 2p. 1-15Article
Xenophobia in the professions : from the Third Republic to the Fifth2007, vol. 31, no 2p. 9-38Article
Un enjeu politique, la lutte contre les taudis (1938-1954)2007, vol. 31, no 2p. 39-52Article
Homosexuality, collaboration and resistance in occupied France2007, vol. 31, no 2p. 53-81Article
Intellectuals, culture and the Vichy years : reappraisals and new perspectives2007, vol. 31, no 2p. 83-115Article
Philippe Henriot and the ministry of fear : collaboration as crusade2007, vol. 31, no 2p. 117-138Article
Between collaboration and resistance : Jean Cocteau and the occupation press2007, vol. 31, no 2p. 139-159Article
Beyond history : memory and justice at Oradour-sur-Glane [Haute-Vienne]2007, vol. 31, no 2p. 203-230Article
Ersatz maternity in occupied France : Jean Stelli's Le voile bleu (1942)2007, vol. 31, no 2p. 263-287Article
Etude comparative de revues scientifiques consacrées à la culture et à la civilisation françaises2016, vol. 41, nos 3-4p. 365-380Article
Laurence Wylie and the French civilization mission2016, vol. 41, nos 3-4p. 397-407Article
Beyond transparency and reflection : using the media critically in the study of French civilization2016, vol. 41, nos 3-4p. 409-423Article
Art, labor, and market : Jacques Rivette and Maurice Pialat at Cannes2016, vol. 41, nos 3-4p. 477-488Article
From "femme d'officier, mère de famille" to "grande dame de la Résistance" : Marie-Madeleine Fourcade during World War II2017, vol. 42, n° 2p. 171-188Article
Édouard Manet’s Ham and Suzanne’s lost body in Edgar Degas’s salon2017, vol. 42, n° 3-4p. 279-300Article
La cuisinière imaginée: illustration et genre dans les livres de cuisine domestique français du XIXe siècle2017, vol. 42, n° 3-4p. 301-326Article
Making couscous French ? Digesting the loss of Empire2017, vol. 42, n° 3-4p. 391-407Article
Beyond wine : American aphids in French soil and revolutionary uprisings in a glass2017, vol. 42, n° 3-4p. 409-428Article

22 results